Verna Myers: Leading Through Crisis

March 24, 2020

Verna Myers

COVID-19 is impacting people throughout the world and it’s never been a more important time to practice inclusive leadership. Leaders tend to react in various ways when fear, anxiety and uncertainty reign. Some might ignore or downplay the severity of the pandemic, attempting to move ahead with business as usual to the extent that is possible. Others might feel stunned by all of the chaos and act in ways that exacerbate the problem.

As the world mobilizes to mitigate the impact of the coronavirus, uncertainty abounds. One thing is clear, however: the COVID-19 outbreak underscores the need for business and society to work together, support one another, be resilient and prepared—qualities that all good leaders can foster.

On this week’s podcast episode, you’ll be hearing from Vernā Myers, a Harvard-trained lawyer and founder of The Vernā Myers Company. Vernā was recently made VP, Inclusion Strategy at Netflix. In this episode, Vernā shared how leaders can lead during this crisis using her four Cs of progress – Cultural Curiosity, Compassion, Consciousness, and Courage. In this conversation, we talked about practical tools for connecting and supporting one another in this difficult time.