Jennifer Nadel: Compassion in Politics, #stopthenastiness

November 12, 2019

Jennifer Nadel

You can’t put a number on equality because it is something people experience. If you are going to measure anything, measure the culture, survey, interview and observe people’s behaviors. This is where inequality happens. The UK parliament is evidence of this. Currently, there are 206 women in the House of Commons. This is an all-time high at 32%. However, the instances of marginalization, discrimination and harassment are also at an all-time high. The very women we have managed to advance into these positions are leaving.

This matters because research indicates that whether a legislator is male or female has a distinct impact on their policy priorities.

On this wee’s episode, we will hear from Jennifer Nadel, a qualified barrister, author, speaker, campaigner and an award-winning journalist. Jennifer is also the co-founder of compassion in politics. Jennifer will unpack how women political leaders are systematically bullied, drawing on the UK as an example, and share what we can do to fix it.