100 actions for sustainability

Become a financially fit family

For most households, savings and assets are the critical first line of defense against emergencies, unforeseen expenses, and income interruptions. Help your household by learning family finance skills. Examples include:

•Â Â Â  Identify money habits and attitudes
•Â Â Â  Live within your means by spending less than what you earn
•Â Â Â  Track and reduce expenses, while following a budget
•Â Â Â  Avoid debt and manage loans wisely
•Â Â Â  Build good credit
•Â Â Â  Avoid payday lenders, pawn shops, and loan sharks
•Â Â Â  Build an emergency fund
•Â Â Â  Ask tough questions and set goals

Become a financially fit family
Become a financially fit family